Third & Fourth Class
The Normans
We have been learning all about the Normans in third and fourth class. The children worked in small groups to create these Motte and Bailey castles.
The children did a fantastic job!
The children did a fantastic job!
Easter Bunny Art
I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter break.
P.E. - Rounders
The children are enjoying learning how to play rounders. The children are developing the skills of batting, throwing, catching and running.
S.P.H.E - Stay Safe
The children in 3rd and 4th class have been learning about Cyberbullying; what it is, the impact of bullying on others, and strategies to prevent and deal with Cyberbullying. The children created posters on the theme of 'Keep Safe Online'.
Third class are learning about Decimals. They are learning to identify tenths and express them in decimal form, order decimals on a number line and solving problems using decimals.
Art - Fabric and Fibre
The children in 3rd and 4th class worked very hard to create beautiful Christmas tree decorations. The children showed great concentration and patience and were absolutely delighted with the end result.
MS Readathon
Well done to the 3rd and 4th class children who participated in the MS Readathon during the month of November. The children read over 100 books and raised over €3000 for MS Ireland. The children came third overall in the 'Top Classes' category.
Laila Mc Quaid (3rd class) came second place in the 'Top Kids' category. Congratulations on your achievement Laila!
Laila Mc Quaid (3rd class) came second place in the 'Top Kids' category. Congratulations on your achievement Laila!
Science Week 2020
Third and Fourth class enjoyed participating in Science Week 2020. The children studied the life of Marie Curie and other famous scientists. They also made lava lamps, a storm jar, and watched three interesting videos about the 'Magic of Water'. An Fóram Uisce collaborated with academics and experts to prepare short videos on the Magic of Water, the physical, chemical and ecological properties of water and what these tell us about our environment.
Report by Harry Ronaghan
The children in Third and Fourth class are thoroughly enjoying P.E. every Tuesday. A soccer course began on the 10th November. The children are working to develop more skill and ball control, increased agility, quicker reactions and scoring accuracy.
Halloween Fancy Dress
Meán Fómhair 2016
Good luck to Glaslough in the forthcoming Entente Florale adjudication process. The pupils have enjoyed being involved in this European environmental project through:
- collecting and crushing cans for the train sculpture
- creating the wildflower meadow to attract butterflies and bees
- planting flowers and vegetables in the raised beds
- adding mini-wildlife ponds to the school garden
- designing posters on Birds as Pollinators
- designing presentation cards for the judges
- painting in the Entente Florale colours
The Wildflower Meadow in bloom
Raised Beds growing flowers and vegetables
David Tracey, Fire Safety Officer with Monaghan Co. Council, visited our classroom on Wednesday 14th June. He gave an excellent presentation on many aspects of fire safety and prevention. We listened attentively as it was only the day after the London apartment block inferno. We watched two unforgettable youtube videos
(1) Chip pan fire and (2) Bedroom fire. Well worth watching!
Each pupil got an information pack to take home and discuss with parents.
(1) Chip pan fire and (2) Bedroom fire. Well worth watching!
Each pupil got an information pack to take home and discuss with parents.
(1) Croke Park
On Monday 12th June, Third and Fourth Classes went to Croke Park. We left after 8.30 am and got there at 11.45 am. Firstly we went to the museum where we met our guide called Lee. He gave us wrist bands and showed us around the stadium. We went into the video room where we watched a movie called September Days. It was brilliant. After that we went to the players' lounge, changing rooms and warm-up area. We saw where the Taoiseach and President part their cars on All-Ireland Sundays. We sat on the V.I.P. seats and got up to the top of the Davin Stand where we had a bird's eye view of the pitch. Dublin schools were playing Cumann na mBunscoil matches.
Callum Duffy (4th)
Callum Duffy (4th)
I learned a lot about Croke Park on the school tour. It is the third largest stadium in Europe. Camp Nou in Barcelona is the largest. It can hold 99,354 spectators. Wembley in London is the second largest. It can hold 90,000. Croke Park can hold 82,300. The pitch is 144m long and 88m wide. It covers an area of 15,000sq m. The stadium is 44m high. Seventy stewards work there on All-Ireland Sundays.
James Deery (4th)
James Deery (4th)
(2) Viking Splash Tour
After Croke Park, we went on the Viking Splash Tour. The Viking vehicle, which could go on land and in water, was called a Dukw. It was made by American women during World War 2. We drove past the Bank of Ireland, Dublin Castle, the Gas Works, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Chrits Church Cathedral, The Spire, Trinity College. Leinster House, the Shelbourne Hotel, Georgian Dublin, the Grand Canal, Bord Gáis Energy Theatre, U2 Recording Studios, the Naomh Eanna Ship wreck and Viking Dublin.
I really enjoyed my school tour to the capital. I hope to play in Croke Park one day and win the All-Ireland with Monaghan.
Dáire McKenna (4th)
I really enjoyed my school tour to the capital. I hope to play in Croke Park one day and win the All-Ireland with Monaghan.
Dáire McKenna (4th)
We were very excited as we got on the Dukw (pronounced Duck) . Our driver, Vinnie was dressed as Viking and he was really funny. He told us to make faces and growl at other open top buses. He told us interesting facts about each building we passed. We had to say oooh followed by aaah every time. When we went into the water, we saw people swimming, canoeing and zip lining. I really enjoyed the Viking Splash Tour.
Michael McNally (4th)
Michael McNally (4th)
Pupils enjoyed constructing 3-D shapes such as cubes, cuboids, pyramids and prisms using match sticks and play dough. This hands-on activity helped them to understand more fully the differences between faces, edges and vertices.
Football Go Games Blitz
Third and Fourth attended a very well-organised and enjoyable football blitz in Monaghan Harps Club grounds on Wednesday 31st May from 10.30am until 12 noon. They were divided into two 9 a-side teams and each played three matches.
This non-competitive event facilitated fun, fitness and skill development.
Included in the photograph are Rory Beggan and Ann McKenna, the two GAA coaches who attended our school in Sept./Oct. and Feb./March respectively.
This non-competitive event facilitated fun, fitness and skill development.
Included in the photograph are Rory Beggan and Ann McKenna, the two GAA coaches who attended our school in Sept./Oct. and Feb./March respectively.
Winning Smiles!
Art (4th), Michael (4th), Paddy (3rd) and James (4th), proudly displaying the two medals they each won, at the annual Track and Field competition held on Mon. evening 29th May in the Peace Link, Clones. Their outstanding individual and team performances contributed significantly to St. Mary's Boys becoming the County Champions for 2017. Maith sibh, a bhuachaillí!
Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps
Monaghan County footballer, Rory Beggan, visited our classroom to promote the annual GAA summer camps and as the sun was shining gloriously, the pupils were all ears! The camp in Emyvale takes place from the 10th - 14th July. It promises to be an action-packed, fun-filled week of activity with the emphasis on well-being, exercise, skill development and friendship. GAA gear (t-shirt and jersey) and a backpack are included in the course fee.
Examining Artefacts
The children enjoyed working as historians as they examined a selection of artefacts on loan from Monaghan Co. Museum. These items were all used in people's homes in the early 20th century and included a wash board, a wash dolly, laundry tongs, a box iron, a carpet sweeper, a stone ware hot water bottle, butter prints, butter bats and a sugar nippers.
Publish-a-Poem Winners
James (4th Class) was the lucky Merit Winner in the recent Poetry Competition organised by Monaghan Education Centre. He wrote an acrostic poem entitled Kindness which had a wonderful message on each and every line. He will attend the Prize-Giving Ceremony on Tuesday 30th May in the Garage Theatre and his poem will be published in a new anthology of winning childrens' poems.
Callum (4th Class) was highly commended for his poem on Donald Trump.
In Third Class, Maria, Conor and Honor were also highly commended for their clever and interesting poems.
In Third Class, Maria, Conor and Honor were also highly commended for their clever and interesting poems.
G.A.A. Skills Competition 2017
Dáire and Michael were successful in being selected to represented 4th Class at the recent G.A.A. Skills Competition in Cloghan. Read Dáire's recount in the Sports Section!
This annual event is a firm favourite with pupils from Billis N.S. and St.Mary's. This year's theme was Birds as Pollinators. The artwork was stunning and is currently on display in the Oakland Centre.
The Third Class winner was Maria. The Fourth Class prize was jointly won by Dáire and Callum. Our thanks to Glaslough Tidy Towns Committee for the
wonderful prizes and refreshments.
wonderful prizes and refreshments.
Third Class participated in Level One Cycle Training on Tuesday 9th May. They received instruction in steering, controlled stopping, hand signals and safe practices. Os rud é, go raibh an aimsir go haoibhinn, bhain na páistí an-thaitneamh as an seans a bheith amuigh faoin spéir.
Fourth Class advanced to Level Two Cycle Training where road safety is of paramount importance. Wearing correctly-fitting helmets and hi-viz jackets, they embarked on a looped cycle through the village and home by Hoey's Trail. Mr Macklin, ably assisted by some expert cyclists in Sixth Class led the way. This annual training event is part of the Green Schools Travel Flag.
The Winners of the Tables Champions' Competition were Dáire (4th Class) and Conor (3rd Class). Comhgairdeas a bhuachaillí.
The worthy Runners-up were Michael (4th Class) and Niamh (3rd Class). Maith sibh a pháistí.
The Outdoor Classroom
Pupils enjoyed the visit of renowned environmentalist Dale Threadwell, from the Australian outback but now resident in Ireland, on Wednesday 3rd May. His passion for all things wild, including bats, birds and hedgehogs, really enthused and inspired the children to care for the natural world.
After reading one of his own publications Robby the Christmas Robin, he proceeded to plant flowers that will attract butterflies and bees to our garden.
After reading one of his own publications Robby the Christmas Robin, he proceeded to plant flowers that will attract butterflies and bees to our garden.
Pupils were busy in April planting seed bombs (native wild flower seeds encased in a mixture of clay and compost) in our new wild flower meadow.
This will provide a rich feasting ground for precious pollinators such as birds, bees and butterflies, as well as an added splash of colour all summer.
This will provide a rich feasting ground for precious pollinators such as birds, bees and butterflies, as well as an added splash of colour all summer.
In October, pupils were busy preparing the raised beds in the school garden. This work involved weeding, composting and planting bulbs.
Now that spring has sprung, they can enjoy the fruits of their labours by admiring these delightful daffodils. And summer can't be too far away!
Penmanship Competition
Pupils made a great effort to practise and perfect their handwriting skills before the Easter holidays.
Third Class winners were Cailín and Maria.
Fourth Class winners were Art and Dáire.
F.A. I. Tournament
Congratulations Keeva (Fourth Class) on an outstanding performance in the recent F.A.I. Girls Soccer Tournament which was held in Gortakeegan, Monaghan. St. Mary's team qualified for the County Final which will be held in early April. Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh, a chailíní!
Publish-a-Poem Competition
Third & Fourth Classes enjoyed penning poems for Monaghan Education Centre's Publish-a-Poem Competition during March. Here they are,
proudly displaying their entries. Who will the lucky winner be?
Angels Zoe Sister Amelia
Kilkenny Bryden Flowers Maeve
Life Leah Mothers Sarah
Lollipops Sophie Fire Cailín
Poet Keeva Teachers Maria
Friday Niamh Bahrain Katalina
Farming James Friends Niamh
Donald Trump Callum Homework Honor
Gaelic Dáire Earth Conor
Cousin Art Neymar Paddy
Space Kalem Basketball Alex
Kindness James Sweets Tiarnán
Football Michael Dads Eoin
In February, they studied the life and poetry of famous Irish poet W.B. Yeats and responded to their favourites which included Dance There Upon the Shore, Down by the Sally Gardens, The Ballad of Father Gilligan and To a Squirrel at Kyle Na No through paint and colour.
proudly displaying their entries. Who will the lucky winner be?
Angels Zoe Sister Amelia
Kilkenny Bryden Flowers Maeve
Life Leah Mothers Sarah
Lollipops Sophie Fire Cailín
Poet Keeva Teachers Maria
Friday Niamh Bahrain Katalina
Farming James Friends Niamh
Donald Trump Callum Homework Honor
Gaelic Dáire Earth Conor
Cousin Art Neymar Paddy
Space Kalem Basketball Alex
Kindness James Sweets Tiarnán
Football Michael Dads Eoin
In February, they studied the life and poetry of famous Irish poet W.B. Yeats and responded to their favourites which included Dance There Upon the Shore, Down by the Sally Gardens, The Ballad of Father Gilligan and To a Squirrel at Kyle Na No through paint and colour.
Credit Union Quiz
Very best wishes to Bryden and Dáire (Fourth Class) who along with Matthew and Óran (Fifth Class) will represent St. Mary's N.S. in Round 2 of the annual Credit Union Quiz. It takes place in the Nuremore Hotel, Carrickmacross on Sunday 5th March at 3pm. Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh, a pháistí!
Science Workshop
Our thanks to Christopher McAree, parent and pharmacist, for conducting a Science Workshop with Third and Fourth Classes on Monday 30th January. The pupils really enjoyed predicting outcomes and engaging in the hands-on experiments which included:
- Fun with magnets
- Fading flames
- Investigating oobleck
- Cleaning coins
- Popping bags
- Secret ink messages
- Waterfall of colours
- Rainbow in a jar
Our first snowdrops!
Not surprisingly, due to the mild winter weather this year, we have spotted our first snowdrops (plúiríní sneachta) sa Ghairdín Scoile.
Our Classroom Novels
Third Class are reading Animals Don't Have Ghosts by Siobhán Parkinson. It's a story set in Dublin. Sinéad and her brother Dara, from the country visit their city cousin, Michelle. There is great competition between them, as the girls try to show off their vast knowledge and experience!
Fourth Class are reading Mr Stink by David Walliams. As the name suggests it's about a homeless man and a 12 year old girl who befriends him. Chloe has lots of problems of her own both at home and in school so we are really excited to discover how this story will unfold. Will they somehow be able to help each other?
The Lift Off programme:
- ensures children understand their human rights and associated responsibilities
- fosters attitudes of respect for the uniqueness of each individual
- promotes skills that develop and protect human rights
Children's Human Rights
Visual Arts
While working with clay during the month of December, the pupils created a selection of sweet and savoury foods as well as Christmas tea-light holders.
While improving their drawing skills, pupils created self-portraits and Mona Lisa look-alikes. It took Leonardo years to complete his masterpiece!
Procedural Writing
Third and Fourth Classes produced a recipe book in November. It contains their own selection of sweet and savoury snack foods. It combines their knowledge of procedural writing with a variety of computer skills. Hopefully they will now enjoy both reading and using it!
Congratulations to these Lucky Winners
Congratulations to Callum and Michael, two Fourth Class pupils, who were successful in the recent Essay/Poetry Competition organised by the Monaghan Mental Health Association. They received their awards at a special Prize-giving Ceremony in the Westenra Hotel on Wed. 23rd Nov.
The theme was Let Your Light Shine. Here is a verse from Callum's poem:
My Mammy tells me it is important to help others
I try my best at home, me and my brothers.
It is the same at school, where I try to be good
Respect your friends and teachers, yes we should.
The theme was Let Your Light Shine. Here is a verse from Callum's poem:
My Mammy tells me it is important to help others
I try my best at home, me and my brothers.
It is the same at school, where I try to be good
Respect your friends and teachers, yes we should.
Congratulations also to Niamh (Fourth Class) on winning a magnificent prize in the recent Credit Union Art Competition. The theme was Happiness is ...
and Niamh's entry featured travelling in a peaceful world.
and Niamh's entry featured travelling in a peaceful world.
Our thanks to Niall O'Connor, Education Environmental Officer with Monaghan Co. Council for inviting Annette McNeilis to St. Mary's.
Annette from Co. Donegal, has written and produced Environment The Musical. It is a fun educational resource which seeks to inspire today's children to respect tomorrow. During the hour long workshop, we learned two very catchy songs with strong environmental messages.
Annette from Co. Donegal, has written and produced Environment The Musical. It is a fun educational resource which seeks to inspire today's children to respect tomorrow. During the hour long workshop, we learned two very catchy songs with strong environmental messages.
Basketball on Fridays
The colder weather hasn't dampened the pupils' enthusiasm for P.E. every Friday. A six-week basketball course began on 11th November.
With Enda O'Brien at the helm, it's all action, fun and games as he seeks to develop more skill and ball control, increased agility, quicker reactions and scoring accuracy.
With Enda O'Brien at the helm, it's all action, fun and games as he seeks to develop more skill and ball control, increased agility, quicker reactions and scoring accuracy.
F.A.I. Primary Schools Futsal Programme
Two teams, a boys' team and a girls' team, represented Third and Fourth Classes at the FAI Football tournament in the Peace Link Complex, Clones on Thursday 10th November. Both teams played very well and gained valuable experience in team work and in practising their soccer skills. They each won and lost two games. This programme, run to County level, aims to promote participation and enjoyment of the game.
TEAM HOPE Shoebox Appeal
Ó féachaigí ar na bronntanais deasa, iad clúdaithe le páipéar ildaite agus lán le rudaí áille mar shampla: bréagáin, éadaí agus milseáin. Beidh áthas an domhain ar na páistí bochta a gheobhaidh iadsan. Míle, míle buíochas.
Library Visit
Monaghan Co. Library staff members Philomena and Helen visited our school on Monday 7th November to encourage all pupils to join. It's free for children and offers them a huge selection of fact and fiction books as well as DVDs and magazines. Philomena then read two interesting books, one about Molly Malone and the other about Roald Dahl's life. Worth investigating!
Happy Halloween!
All dressed up for Halloween
We're witches and gnomes and ghosts without homes
We're goblins and banshees and elves
We're spooks from the graves and bats out of caves
We're almost afraid of ourselves!
We're goblins and banshees and elves
We're spooks from the graves and bats out of caves
We're almost afraid of ourselves!
Credit Union Art Competition
Third and Fourth took part in the Annual Credit Union Art Competition.
This year's theme was Dreams are made of this.....
Their colourful interpretations featured:
This year's theme was Dreams are made of this.....
Their colourful interpretations featured:
- sport and leisure pursuits
- travel and communications
- animals and farming
- space adventures
- careers
- music
- fame
The Garden in Autumn
During the recent spell of fine weather, Third and Fourth Classes enjoyed a spot of gardening. For more information on their activities click on the link below.
Third Class went on a walking tour of Glaslough Village on Friday 23rd Sept. to look at items of street furniture. They identified signage, seating, wall plaques, information boards, playground equipment, water butts and insect hotels, hanging baskets and flower boxes. As with all furniture it can be functional or decorative. All the pieces were carefully chosen to be of benefit to the local community.
Fun & Games on Fridays
Friday is our favourite day of the week thanks to our GAA coach and county footballer, Rory Beggan. We wear our school tracksuit and gum shield and work hard to improve our Gaelic football skills and general fitness under his expert guidance.
Of course we must remember to practise every day because Rory will be assessing our skill level and agility before Halloween!
Of course we must remember to practise every day because Rory will be assessing our skill level and agility before Halloween!
Roald Dahl Centenary Celebrations
If Roald Dahl were alive today, he would have celebrated his hundredth birthday on Tuesday 13th September 2016.
Because his books and films brought so much joy to children for so many years, we celebrated by:
Because his books and films brought so much joy to children for so many years, we celebrated by:
- Displaying our favourite Roald Dahl books
- Reading extracts from George's Marvellous Medicine, Boy: Tales of Childhood and The BFG
- Designing bookmarks depicting aspects of his life or characters from his books
- Discovering facts about his life: his family, tragedies, schools, adulthood, writing hut .....
- Enjoying chocolate cake! (While at boarding school, Roald tested chocolate for Cadburys)
- Having no Homework on Tuesday 13th on condition that we read for pleasure
Meán Fómhair 2015
Rang a Trí
Rang a Ceathair
Ar ais ar scoil arís tar éis na laethanta saoire.
Éadaí, málaí, leabhair agus cóipleabhair nua
agus fonn oibre ar gach páiste!
Éadaí, málaí, leabhair agus cóipleabhair nua
agus fonn oibre ar gach páiste!
Nobody Does it Better!
Two jubilant Kilkenny supporters on Monday 7th Sept., Bryden, 3rd Class and her brother Freney, 4th Class. They were in Croke Park at the All-Ireland to cheer on their team and see them proudly lift the Liam McCarthy Cup for the 36th time!
Comhghairdeas uainn go léir i Scoil Mhuire, Glasloch.
Comhghairdeas uainn go léir i Scoil Mhuire, Glasloch.
Fourth Class girls, Abbie, Aoibhe, Aoife, Emily, Halle and Katie proudly displaying their Listening Chart.
I am a good listener if I.......
1. Make eye contact.
2. Make facial gestures.
3. Try not to interrupt.
4. Sit still and focus.
5. Remember some details.
6. Report back.
Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Abbie (4th), Aoife (4th), Kayla (5th) and
Halle (4th) all ready to party!
Halle (4th) all ready to party!
The Salmon of Knowledge
Visual Arts
After reading the legend The Salmon of Knowledge, each pupil in Third and Fourth enjoyed creating his/her own unique salmon using paints or collage.
Creative Writing
They also wrote very interesting recounts as the salmon. They described the river habitat, the other characters in the legend: Finnegus, the poet and Fionn, the warrior boy and how they eventually ended up as dinner on a platter!
Gardening in Autumn
Pupils busy at work preparing the raised beds &
planting daffodil bulbs for next spring.
Many hands make light work!
Many hands make light work!
Emyvale Credit Union Art Competition
This year’s theme was “Happiness is……”
The pupils artistic endeavours reflected their
unique individuality and amazing creativity
and for them HAPPINESS IS…….
unique individuality and amazing creativity
and for them HAPPINESS IS…….
- Having friends
- Celebrating birthdays
- Enjoying Christmas
- Being with family
- Shopping for favourite things
- All kinds of music
- Rugby, Soccer, Gaelic
- Playing cards
- A day at the beach
- Eating ice-cream
- A John Deere tractor
Global Citizenship – Litter & Waste
Third & Fourth Committee Members
Óran McQuaid (4th) and Dáire McKenna (3rd) were elected by their peers at a Green Schools Election held in their classroom on Friday 9th of October.
All pupils in Third and Fourth Classes took part by preparing and delivering a speech on “Care of the Environment” and by awarding votes to each candidate based on content and presentation. Each and every speech was excellent and displayed the pupils’ great interest, knowledge and passion for ecological issues. However, there could only be two winners so our heartiest congratulations go to Óran and Dáire, who will no doubt be two highly-motivated and hard-working members on the new Green Schools Committee.
All pupils in Third and Fourth Classes took part by preparing and delivering a speech on “Care of the Environment” and by awarding votes to each candidate based on content and presentation. Each and every speech was excellent and displayed the pupils’ great interest, knowledge and passion for ecological issues. However, there could only be two winners so our heartiest congratulations go to Óran and Dáire, who will no doubt be two highly-motivated and hard-working members on the new Green Schools Committee.
Rugby Coaching
With Ireland progressing very favourably in the Rugby World Cup during October and generating much interest and excitement throughout the land,
Third & Fourth really enjoyed the tag rugby coaching they received from Mr. Holland on work placement. Passing and kicking the oval ball greatly improved during these highly-prized P.E. lessons.
Third & Fourth really enjoyed the tag rugby coaching they received from Mr. Holland on work placement. Passing and kicking the oval ball greatly improved during these highly-prized P.E. lessons.
Thanks Mr. Holland
Pupils in Third & Fourth Classes really enjoyed having Matthew Holland, a third year student from St. Pat’s Teacher Training College, Dublin, teaching them during the month of October.
They learned all about 2-D Shapes, Christopher Columbus, the Celts, Italy, Trees & Leaves and Our Bones but the highlights were the Rugby lessons and singing Ireland’s Call.
They learned all about 2-D Shapes, Christopher Columbus, the Celts, Italy, Trees & Leaves and Our Bones but the highlights were the Rugby lessons and singing Ireland’s Call.
Bidding a fond farewell to a wonderful teacher.
Go n-éirí an t-ádh leat i gcónaí Maitiú.
Go n-éirí an t-ádh leat i gcónaí Maitiú.
Hallowe’en Art
1.) Painting &
(spooky houses)
(spooky houses)
2.) Printing
(printed images)
(printed images)
All Dressed up for Halloween ‘15
Third & Fourth enjoyed dressing up for Halloween again this year. Friday 23rd was indeed a fun day as pupils dressed in an amazing variety of fancy dress costumes. Some were hilarious; others just the scariest and one or two were totally unrecognisable.
Sponsored Walk
The pupils really enjoyed the sponsored walk through the village and back home by Hoey’s Trail.
The two and a half kilometre looped walk took about forty five minutes to complete. The countryside, clothed in autumnal colours, dazzled in the sunshine as did Miss Treanor’s amazing clown outfit!
After the brisk walk in the fresh air, pupils relished the delicious rice crispy buns made by the ghost bride!
The two and a half kilometre looped walk took about forty five minutes to complete. The countryside, clothed in autumnal colours, dazzled in the sunshine as did Miss Treanor’s amazing clown outfit!
After the brisk walk in the fresh air, pupils relished the delicious rice crispy buns made by the ghost bride!
An Historic Family Occasion
While we all enjoyed the visit of the Irish Army representatives to our school on Friday 6th November, it was an extra special occasion for Zoe Gallagher, a proud and delighted pupil in Third Class.
Her dad, Sergeant Noel Gallagher, Glaslough, was among the distinguished visitors and looked resplendent in the Army uniform which was decorated with an impressive array of medals from his many peace-keeping missions overseas.
He was accompanied by Sergeants Desmond Duffy from Castleblayney and Private Michael Flannery from Emyvale. They presented the Irish Flag and a Copy of the Irish Proclamation to the pupils and staff of St. Mary’s who responded by singing Ireland’s Call and Amhrán na bhFiann.
Her dad, Sergeant Noel Gallagher, Glaslough, was among the distinguished visitors and looked resplendent in the Army uniform which was decorated with an impressive array of medals from his many peace-keeping missions overseas.
He was accompanied by Sergeants Desmond Duffy from Castleblayney and Private Michael Flannery from Emyvale. They presented the Irish Flag and a Copy of the Irish Proclamation to the pupils and staff of St. Mary’s who responded by singing Ireland’s Call and Amhrán na bhFiann.
Month of the Holy Souls
In our Sacred Space for November, we have been remembering our dearly departed loved ones. The love we shared will live on in our memories.
Shoe Box Appeal
Pupils in Third and Fourth, proudly displaying their shoe boxes on Friday 13th November. They enjoyed filling these boxes with toys, sweets, clothes and stationery and then wrapping in beautiful Christmas paper. These presents will bring immense joy to little boys and girls in the poorest parts of Africa and Eastern Europe.
This project forms part of our 2015 -2017 Green Schools Programme on Global Citizenship as pupils become aware that their actions can improve the lives of their less fortunate brothers and sisters worldwide.
This project forms part of our 2015 -2017 Green Schools Programme on Global Citizenship as pupils become aware that their actions can improve the lives of their less fortunate brothers and sisters worldwide.
Mental Health 4th Class Competition Winners
Matthew Finn (Highly Commended), Josh Curley (Highly Commended) and Óran McQuaid (Merit Winner).
Congratulations to these lucky winners who enjoyed the Presentation Ceremony at the Westenra Hotel on Wednesday, 18th November at 7.30 pm. The theme of this year’s competition was Love Your Neighbour and the standard of entries was very high.
Congratulations to these lucky winners who enjoyed the Presentation Ceremony at the Westenra Hotel on Wednesday, 18th November at 7.30 pm. The theme of this year’s competition was Love Your Neighbour and the standard of entries was very high.
Road Safety
Pupils have been learning about the importance of road safety especially during the winter months.
With the days getting shorter and the weather deteriorating, they know pedestrians must be visible at all times and use the code to safely cross the road.
With the days getting shorter and the weather deteriorating, they know pedestrians must be visible at all times and use the code to safely cross the road.
Basketball Coaching
Basketball coaching is in full swing and Third and Fourth Class pupils are enjoying it immensely. Enda O’Brien really motivates them through varied warm-ups, reaction sprints, exciting drills, ball control challenges and short focussed games. There is a huge chorus of “Aaahs” when the time is up!
But due to our busy school schedule and having to facilitate other educational and extra-curricular activities, the day of the week keeps changing. P.E. day went from Thursday to Wednesday to Monday and back to Wednesday again. But no way will it be forgotten!
But due to our busy school schedule and having to facilitate other educational and extra-curricular activities, the day of the week keeps changing. P.E. day went from Thursday to Wednesday to Monday and back to Wednesday again. But no way will it be forgotten!
The Christmas All-Stars
Show Announcer
First Half Hosts
Second Half Hosts
The Christmas Cards
Santa and his Helpers
The Snow Fans
The Christmas Trees
Beth and her Shining Stars
1.) Art using Recycled Materials
2.) Art integrated with History
Busy at Work!
Football News
Fourth Class boys really enjoyed participating in this year’s F.A.I. Futsal Primary Schools Soccer Competition, which was held in the Peace Link, Clones on Tuesday 23rd of February.
They were victorious in their group and runners-up in the final against Gaelscoil Ultain, Muineachán. Comhghairdeas!
They were victorious in their group and runners-up in the final against Gaelscoil Ultain, Muineachán. Comhghairdeas!
Food Dudes Programme 2016
Yes the Food Dudes have returned to St. Mary’s! They are four characters named Raz, Rocco, Tom & Charlie who encourage all pupils to eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Tasting and repeated tasting is an important part of the programme so cucumber, peppers, mangetout and sugar-snap peas are being sampled!
As a further incentive, pupils have received prizes such as pencils, rubbers, step-counters and water bottles. Keep up the healthy eating for the rest of the year by bringing your own selections of fruit and veg. in the lunchboxes provided and become a certified Healthy Eater!
Remember a portion is the amount that fits into a child’s cupped hand.
As a further incentive, pupils have received prizes such as pencils, rubbers, step-counters and water bottles. Keep up the healthy eating for the rest of the year by bringing your own selections of fruit and veg. in the lunchboxes provided and become a certified Healthy Eater!
Remember a portion is the amount that fits into a child’s cupped hand.
Healthy Lunch
Aoife (4th Class), proudly displaying her healthy lunch box. It contains a colourful selection of fresh vegetables along with a tasty and nutritious houmus dip.
All-Star Visitor
As part of our renewed healthy eating policy, All-Star Monaghan footballer, Conor McManus, was invited to our school on Thurs. 25th February. He addressed pupils from Third to Sixth classes on the importance of:
- Protein and carbohydrates for athletes and sports people
- Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day
- Occasional treats after healthy meals
- Enjoyment of sport and practice of skills as the way to enhance performance
Third Class Fire Safety Programme
Two members of Monaghan Fire Brigade visited Third and Fourth Classes on Wednesday 2nd March to present their annual Fire Safety Programme. Each pupil in Third Class received a “Safety Team” pack containing vital information on Prevention, Detection and Evacuation. Pupils also enjoyed dressing in the fireman’s uniform and handling some of their life-saving equipment.
Springtime in our School Garden!
Third and Fourth Class girls admiring these golden daffodils.
All the hard work they did last Autumn, when they prepared
the raised beds and planted bulbs is now worthwhile.
We all remember the poem Daffodils by William Wordsworth.
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
All the hard work they did last Autumn, when they prepared
the raised beds and planted bulbs is now worthwhile.
We all remember the poem Daffodils by William Wordsworth.
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Pathways to 2016
Our studies of the Easter Rising in 1916 included:
Discovering facts about:
· The Seven Signatories of the Proclamation
· Famous Women involved in the Rising
· Children who died in the Crossfire
· The Buildings occupied by the Rebels
· The Executions in Kilmainham Jail
Understanding the aims and ideals of the leaders:
· Reading the Proclamation
· Writing our own Proclamation for 2016
· Learning about the Tricolour
Learning songs & Poems:
· Amhrán na bhFiann
· Ireland’s Call
· Grace
· On the One Road
· The Wayfarer by Padraig Pearse
· I See His Blood upon the Rose by Joseph M Plunkett
Discovering facts about:
· The Seven Signatories of the Proclamation
· Famous Women involved in the Rising
· Children who died in the Crossfire
· The Buildings occupied by the Rebels
· The Executions in Kilmainham Jail
Understanding the aims and ideals of the leaders:
· Reading the Proclamation
· Writing our own Proclamation for 2016
· Learning about the Tricolour
Learning songs & Poems:
· Amhrán na bhFiann
· Ireland’s Call
· Grace
· On the One Road
· The Wayfarer by Padraig Pearse
· I See His Blood upon the Rose by Joseph M Plunkett
Ag Ceiliúradh Éirí Amach na Cásca 1916
Ba bhréa linn teacht ar scoil ar an séú lá déag de Márta. Bhí éadaí glasa á gcaitheamh ag gach duine nuair a chruinníomar ag an Oakland Centre. Ag a naoi a chlog, thosaíomar ag siúl i bparáid mhór ón sráidbhaile. Bhí an t-ádh linn go raibh an lá tirim.
Bhailíomar agus ár dtuismitheoirí os chomhair na scoile, áit a chur an príomhoide fáilte roimh gach duine. Ansin d’insíomar faoi imeachtaí seachtaine na Cásca céad bliain ó shin, chanamar amhráin, sheinneamar port agus léamar ár bhForógra féin. D’ardaigh an sáirsint Noel Ó Gallachóir bratach na hÉireann agus chanamar Amhrán na bhFiann.
Bhí orainn dul isteach sa scoil ansin ach bhí deochanna, brioscaí cácaí beaga agus tórthaí do gach páiste (míle buíochas do Choiste na dTuismitheoirí). Bhaineamar an sult as an ócáid stairiúil seo.
Bhailíomar agus ár dtuismitheoirí os chomhair na scoile, áit a chur an príomhoide fáilte roimh gach duine. Ansin d’insíomar faoi imeachtaí seachtaine na Cásca céad bliain ó shin, chanamar amhráin, sheinneamar port agus léamar ár bhForógra féin. D’ardaigh an sáirsint Noel Ó Gallachóir bratach na hÉireann agus chanamar Amhrán na bhFiann.
Bhí orainn dul isteach sa scoil ansin ach bhí deochanna, brioscaí cácaí beaga agus tórthaí do gach páiste (míle buíochas do Choiste na dTuismitheoirí). Bhaineamar an sult as an ócáid stairiúil seo.
Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme
Certificates have been awarded to the following pupils for eating a portion of fruit and vegetables at lunchtime every day. Congratulations!
Bronze Winners
Silver Winners
Gold Winners
Platinum Winners
Outdoor Maths
Pupils enjoyed using their environment to estimate, measure and record the length, width and perimeter of different areas within the school grounds such as the basketball court, poly tunnel, shelter and carpark. They also had fun marking out square metres and filling them in with water. How long before each would evaporate also piqued their curiosity!
Art Attack
Pupils had an Art Attack during their Maths lesson recently!
They used cubes to create colourful examples of symmetry.
They used cubes to create colourful examples of symmetry.
Tidy Towns Poster Competition 2016
B is for Biodiversity: Birds, Bees and Butterflies was the chosen theme this year for Glaslough Tidy Towns Poster Competition. Yet again, the pupils responded with magnificent works of art showing great creativity, colour and imagination.
For further information and more photos, please go to: Green Schools section of this website, Waste Management (Drop down menu), Tidy Towns Poster Competitions (Sub heading).
For further information and more photos, please go to: Green Schools section of this website, Waste Management (Drop down menu), Tidy Towns Poster Competitions (Sub heading).
School Tour 2016
Third and Fourth Classes enjoyed their tour to Tayto Castle, Tandergee and Armagh Planetarium on Friday 20th May.
They learned what’s it’s like to work in a modern day food factory and why health and safety and hygiene standards are of paramount importance.
At the Planetarium, the pupils took a virtual tour of the Milky Way galaxy and enjoyed a thrilling roller-coaster ride through space. Following that, they made rockets which were launched outdoors to tremendous cheers and applause.
At the Planetarium, the pupils took a virtual tour of the Milky Way galaxy and enjoyed a thrilling roller-coaster ride through space. Following that, they made rockets which were launched outdoors to tremendous cheers and applause.
But as always, food is one of life’s greatest pleasures and the pupils relished their snack and lunch breaks. We were back at the school at 4o’clock tired and contented and glad it was the weekend!
Meán Fómhair 2014
Rang a Trí
Rang a Ceathair
Trees in Autumn
Pupils enjoyed the glorious September sun on a Nature Walk to familiarise themselves with the deciduous trees in the vicinity of the school. They examined the leaves, seeds and bark of the oak, ash, beech, sycamore, horse chestnut and hawthorn.
Third and Fourth Classes are enjoying six weeks of expert Gaelic football coaching being delivered by Ann McKenna. They are practising a range of ball handling skills including fist passing, kicking and catching in stationary and moving positions.
Rising GAA Stars for September
Rising GAA Stars for September
9/9/'14 Abbie Treanor (3rd) & Freney Power (3rd)
16/9/'14 Emily McKenna (3rd) & Brandon Traynor (4th)
23/9/'14 Halle Cunningham (3rd) & Francis Balmer (4th)
30/9/'14 Josh Curley (3rd) & Leah Treanor (4th)
Working as Historians
Third and Fourth class pupils enjoyed examining artefacts, taken on loan from Monaghan Museum, on Friday 10th October. The collection comprised items used in schools long ago and included an ink well and ink jar, dip pen and slate.
Halloween Fun & Frolics
Third and Fourth class really enjoyed wearing their scariest Halloween costumes to school on Friday 24th October.
To raise funds, they completed the 3km loop known as Hoey's Trail and indulged in sweet seasonal treats on their return. After break, the fun continued at the really colourful and entertaining October Assembly.
To raise funds, they completed the 3km loop known as Hoey's Trail and indulged in sweet seasonal treats on their return. After break, the fun continued at the really colourful and entertaining October Assembly.
Third and Fourth pupils enjoyed designing and
making pencil holders using recycled materials.
Some pupils decorated them in their favourite football team or band logo
colours. Others got their inspiration
from toys, cartoon characters, foreign countries and wildlife. Another option chosen was contrasting colours to
create vibrant results. Well done to all
the pupils for creating such beautiful yet functional artwork.
Sacred Space
In our Sacred Space for
November, we have been remembering family members, neighbours and friends who
have died. While we really miss their
company, we know they are enjoying eternal peace.
Proud recipients
of Road Safety Prizes
The Road Safety Authority supply prizes to Third Classes in Primary Schools on an annual basis. These items of stationery serve as useful reminders of the importance keeping safe on our roads especially in winter when the days get shorter and darker and weather conditions deteriorate.
Pupils have learnt that they must:
Ø Walk on right side of road or on footpath
Ø Wear high visibility jackets
Ø Use the safe cross code
Pupils have learnt that they must:
Ø Walk on right side of road or on footpath
Ø Wear high visibility jackets
Ø Use the safe cross code
Monaghan Mental Health Competition Winner
Congratulations to Kayla Molloy, a pupil in 4th Class, for winning a Merit Award in the 2014 Monaghan Mental Health Competition. She wrote a poem on Friendship, this year’s theme and enjoyed a memorable evening at the Presentation Ceremony which was held in the Westenra Hotel on Wednesday 19th November.
Basketball News
Third and Fourth boys and girls really enjoyed playing basketball, as part of the P.E. Curriculum, again this year. They received expert coaching for six weeks from Enda O’Brien, Emyvale.
The lessons began on Monday 3rd November and ended on Monday 8th December. Even the weather was favourable and Mondays soon became the pupils’ favourite day of the week!
Their speed and agility as well as attacking, defending and shooting skills were very impressive.
The lessons began on Monday 3rd November and ended on Monday 8th December. Even the weather was favourable and Mondays soon became the pupils’ favourite day of the week!
Their speed and agility as well as attacking, defending and shooting skills were very impressive.
Food, Glorious Food!
I mí na Samhna bhí na páistí ag foghlaim mar gheall ar BHIA:
Ø bia don bhricfeasta, don lón agus don dinnéar
Ø an bia a thaitníonn agus nach dtaitníonn leo
Rinne gach páiste biachlár deas agus bhí an-spórt acu ag déanamh drámaí beaga i mbialanna. Sa rang Ealaíne rinne said bia freisin: píotsa, sicín, borgaire, ispíní, ubh, sceallóga, cáiréad, piobar,
sútha talún, banana agus cacaí beaga. An bhfuil ocras ort fós?
Ø bia don bhricfeasta, don lón agus don dinnéar
Ø an bia a thaitníonn agus nach dtaitníonn leo
Rinne gach páiste biachlár deas agus bhí an-spórt acu ag déanamh drámaí beaga i mbialanna. Sa rang Ealaíne rinne said bia freisin: píotsa, sicín, borgaire, ispíní, ubh, sceallóga, cáiréad, piobar,
sútha talún, banana agus cacaí beaga. An bhfuil ocras ort fós?
Preparations for CHRISTMAS 2014
Our Sacred Space featured an Advent Wreath and an Advent Calendar. The candles were lit and prayers read every day in eager anticipation of Jesus’ Birthday on December 25th. We also prepared to attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the local Church.
Third Class pupils began learning the tin whistle in November and were greatly encouraged and motivated as they listened to Fourth Class. In December, they all practised the following hymns and carols:
· Away in a Manger
· Good King Wenceslas
· In the Bleak Mid-winter
· Little Donkey
· Silent Night
· Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer
· Away in a Manger
· Good King Wenceslas
· In the Bleak Mid-winter
· Little Donkey
· Silent Night
· Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer
Pupils enjoyed constructing Christmas Candles using recycled toilet roll holders and cereal boxes. Their amazing creativity and love of colour became apparent as they added holly, berries, snowmen, frost, seasonal illustrations and dates.
A heavenly choir of angelic voices at the Christmas Carol
Service in St. Mary’s Church on Thursday 18th December.
Class Novel 2015
Third and Fourth Classes happily displaying the novel “Bill’s New Frock” which they read in class during January. These novels were on loan from
Monaghan Co. Library.
Monaghan Co. Library.
Bill's New Frock
One morning, Bill wakes up to find he’s a girl!
And worse, his Mum makes him wear a pink
frock to school. Could the day get any worse?
Bill finds himself in many tricky situations and
discovers that everything is different for girls.
And worse, his Mum makes him wear a pink
frock to school. Could the day get any worse?
Bill finds himself in many tricky situations and
discovers that everything is different for girls.
Reading for Pleasure and Information
At this age, children enjoy discovering authors that appeal to them, reading whole collections and sharing their preferences with friends.
Our Sacred Space in February
featured St. Brigid, Patroness of Ireland. We enjoyed listening to stories illustrating
her unwavering faith and trust in God, her kindness and generosity towards the
poor, her renowned hospitality, her courage against injustice, and love of
animals and nature.
The stories included:
The stories included:
- The Hungry Hound
- The King’s Fox
- The Leper and the Sword
- St. Brigid’s Cloak
- The Dying Chieftain
enjoyed weaving rushes to create St. Brigid’s Crosses.
They were traditionally hung over the door as a protection for the family within.
They were traditionally hung over the door as a protection for the family within.
Writing Genres
1. Reports
Before beginning report writing, pupils selected newspaper reports that they found interesting, informative or funny and displayed them in the classroom. They then proceeded to work as journalists and write their own news reports.
This involved:
ü Selecting a news item
ü Interviewing their friendss
ü Note-taking
ü Drafting
ü Proofreading
ü Typing
ü Adding a caption
ü Inserting a photograph
This involved:
ü Selecting a news item
ü Interviewing their friendss
ü Note-taking
ü Drafting
ü Proofreading
ü Typing
ü Adding a caption
ü Inserting a photograph
2. Narratives
The pupils are presently using their imagination to write narratives for the Short Story Competition, organised by Monaghan Education Centre. This genre involves creating interesting characters and settings, problems and happy ever after endings. Their titles sound promising!
Astonishing Discovery by Óran McQuaid
Barn Yard Animals by Aoife Murphy Thom
Camping Adventures by Áine McQuaid
Champions Duck League by Cormac McKenna
Coma by Francis Balmer
Come on Ali by Kayla Molloy
Dragon Raiders of Burk by Emily McKenna
Football Academy by Matthew Finn
Horrible House Trip by Morgan Duffy
In Between Two Worlds by James Sweeney
Message in a Bottle by David Duffy
Olympic Runner by Abbie Treanor
Professor Blanc by Josh Curley
Space Adventure by Freney Power
The A Factor by Harvey Colleran
The A Twins by Halle Cunningham
The Abduction by Brandon Treanor
The Energy Crystals by Ethan Cunningham
The Lost Boy by Maébh McNally
The Wolf Assassin by Niall Corrigan
Underwater Adventure by Aoibhe Kelly
Waiting for the Debs by Leah Treanor
Barn Yard Animals by Aoife Murphy Thom
Camping Adventures by Áine McQuaid
Champions Duck League by Cormac McKenna
Coma by Francis Balmer
Come on Ali by Kayla Molloy
Dragon Raiders of Burk by Emily McKenna
Football Academy by Matthew Finn
Horrible House Trip by Morgan Duffy
In Between Two Worlds by James Sweeney
Message in a Bottle by David Duffy
Olympic Runner by Abbie Treanor
Professor Blanc by Josh Curley
Space Adventure by Freney Power
The A Factor by Harvey Colleran
The A Twins by Halle Cunningham
The Abduction by Brandon Treanor
The Energy Crystals by Ethan Cunningham
The Lost Boy by Maébh McNally
The Wolf Assassin by Niall Corrigan
Underwater Adventure by Aoibhe Kelly
Waiting for the Debs by Leah Treanor
Swimming Certificates
Irish Water Safety PAWS Certificates were presented to all the pupils who participated in the eight week swimming programme at Monaghan’s Leisure Centre from January to March ‘15.
P.A.W.S. stands for National Primary Aquatics Water Safety and are awarded at different levels.
Congratulations to all the worthy recipients.
P.A.W.S. stands for National Primary Aquatics Water Safety and are awarded at different levels.
Congratulations to all the worthy recipients.
Aoibhe, Niall and Abbie
Morgan, Óran, Leah, Kayla and Francis
Aoife, Emily, Freney, Áine and Halle
Matthew, Ethan, Josh and Cormac
David, Harvey, James and Maébh
Forty Shades of Green
Third and Fourth Class pupils enjoyed dressing up for the annual St. Patrick’s Day Green Walk in St. Mary’s. As a reward for their efforts to protect the environment, the Parents Association provided some delicious festive treats. The sun even shone in appreciation!
Handwriting Competition
The children in Third and Fourth Classes have been very busy practising and perfecting their penmanship skills in readiness for the An Post Handwriting Competition. The task was to compose and write 100 to 200 words about “A Day in the Life of a Postperson”.
Pupils enjoyed making Celtic Crosses through the medium of clay. Their skill and creativity linked well with the Easter lessons in the Alive-O 6 Programme and “Christianity Coming to Ireland” in the Third/Fourth History Curriculum.
· Clay
· Slip
· Rolling pin
· Knife
· Lollipop stick
· Pencil
· Paint
· PVA glue
1. Roll out clay to a thickness of 2cm or 3cm.
2. Draw the outline of the cross with an old pencil.
3. Etch designs on the cross.
4. Cut out cross with a knife.
5. Squeeze the leftover clay into a ball.
6. Mould ball into a box shape.
7. Use a lollipop stick to connect the cross to base.
8. Use a little slip to fill in the empty spaces.
9. Leave cross to dry for 2 to 3 days.
10. Paint cross.
11. Use glue to varnish cross.
Maébh McNally (Fourth Class)
· Clay
· Slip
· Rolling pin
· Knife
· Lollipop stick
· Pencil
· Paint
· PVA glue
1. Roll out clay to a thickness of 2cm or 3cm.
2. Draw the outline of the cross with an old pencil.
3. Etch designs on the cross.
4. Cut out cross with a knife.
5. Squeeze the leftover clay into a ball.
6. Mould ball into a box shape.
7. Use a lollipop stick to connect the cross to base.
8. Use a little slip to fill in the empty spaces.
9. Leave cross to dry for 2 to 3 days.
10. Paint cross.
11. Use glue to varnish cross.
Maébh McNally (Fourth Class)
Easter Cards
Pupils enjoyed designing and printing individual Easter cards using a range of I.T. skills.
Action Clean Up 2015
Third & Fourth ready for
Action Clean Up 2015!
Action Clean Up 2015!
Cycling is for Everyone
Pupils proudly displaying the artwork which they created for the Design a Bookmark competition on the theme of
Cycling is for Everyone.
This competition to promote Bike Week 2015 was organised by Monaghan Library in conjunction with Monaghan Sports Partnership.
Cycling is for Everyone.
This competition to promote Bike Week 2015 was organised by Monaghan Library in conjunction with Monaghan Sports Partnership.
Cycle Training 2015
On Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th, Third Class received Level 1 Cycle Training. Fourth Class had a Refresher Course.
Project Work
After learning about life in Italy under these headings: location, climate, physical features, food, clothes, holidays, famous people and landmark buildings, pupils then undertook their own research on their favourite country.
Here they are photographed displaying the information:
AUSTRIA Cormac McKenna 3rd
AUSTRALIA Emily McKenna 3rd
CHINA Niall Corrigan 4th
EGYPT Ethan Cunningham 4th
ENGLAND Óran McQuaid 3rd
FRANCE Brandon Traynor 4th
GERMANY Matthew Finn 3rd
IRELAND Kayla Molloy 4th
ITALY David Duffy 3rd
MAJORCA Abbie Treanor 3rd
Netherlands Harvey Colleran 4th
RUSSIA Aoife Murphy Thom 3rd
SCOTLAND Francis Balmer 4th
SPAIN Áine McQuaid 4th
SWITZERLAND Halle Cunningham 3rd
U.S.A. Josh Curley 3rd
Here they are photographed displaying the information:
AUSTRIA Cormac McKenna 3rd
AUSTRALIA Emily McKenna 3rd
CHINA Niall Corrigan 4th
EGYPT Ethan Cunningham 4th
ENGLAND Óran McQuaid 3rd
FRANCE Brandon Traynor 4th
GERMANY Matthew Finn 3rd
IRELAND Kayla Molloy 4th
ITALY David Duffy 3rd
MAJORCA Abbie Treanor 3rd
Netherlands Harvey Colleran 4th
RUSSIA Aoife Murphy Thom 3rd
SCOTLAND Francis Balmer 4th
SPAIN Áine McQuaid 4th
SWITZERLAND Halle Cunningham 3rd
U.S.A. Josh Curley 3rd
School Tour to Tanagh
There was great excitement and chat among the children as we made our way up the Cootehill Road to Tanagh Outdoor Education Centre. Some of the children had been to Tanagh before so they had an idea of the fun and antics that awaited them.
After being fitted with our wet-suits and bouyancy aids we made our way to the lake to take part in canoeing activity. There was plenty of splashing, racing and jumping out of the boats as we canoed our way up and down the lake.
Next we enjoyed the thrill of sliding down their 40ft slippery slope.
Once we had a shower and dried off we tucked into our well earned lunches and made our way into Dartrey Forest Park for a Forest Trail.
A fantastic day was enjoyed by both the children and teachers.
"The best school tour ever" was quoted, on our quiet journey back to Glaslough on the bus.
After being fitted with our wet-suits and bouyancy aids we made our way to the lake to take part in canoeing activity. There was plenty of splashing, racing and jumping out of the boats as we canoed our way up and down the lake.
Next we enjoyed the thrill of sliding down their 40ft slippery slope.
Once we had a shower and dried off we tucked into our well earned lunches and made our way into Dartrey Forest Park for a Forest Trail.
A fantastic day was enjoyed by both the children and teachers.
"The best school tour ever" was quoted, on our quiet journey back to Glaslough on the bus.
Hoey's Trail
So to improve our skills we cycled Hoey’s Trail, a three kilometre loop from St. Mary’s School. This gave us a great opportunity to practise our hand signals along the way. We wore our helmets and hi-vis vests and were told to stay four metres behind each other.
Firstly we crossed the R185 in front of the school. We then cycled for over a kilometre until we came to the first junction. We turned right and turned right again at the next one nearer the village. We cycled up the new line and turned right at the monument. We cycled another kilometre before arriving back at the school.
Then we had to go back inside to do our normal school work but it was a very enjoyable experience.
Francis Balmer
(Fourth Class)
Firstly we crossed the R185 in front of the school. We then cycled for over a kilometre until we came to the first junction. We turned right and turned right again at the next one nearer the village. We cycled up the new line and turned right at the monument. We cycled another kilometre before arriving back at the school.
Then we had to go back inside to do our normal school work but it was a very enjoyable experience.
Francis Balmer
(Fourth Class)
Monaghan GAA Year Book
Congratulations to Áine McQuaid, Third Class, whose personal recount of a most memorable Ulster Final Day was included in the recently-published Monaghan G.A.A. Year Book.
Áine, who attended the Award Ceremony in the Hillgrove Hotel on Sunday 8th December, was one of a number of children from around the county, lucky enough to have their writing selected for publication.
She is photographed receiving her award from Mr. Pauric Duffy, General Secretary of the G.A.A .and with Darren Hughes, Monaghan Co. footballer and guest of honour.
Because of the outstanding success achieved by the Senior, Minor and Ladies football teams in 2013, the Monaghan G.A.A. Year Book will undoubtedly be a best-seller in the county this Christmas.
Áine, who attended the Award Ceremony in the Hillgrove Hotel on Sunday 8th December, was one of a number of children from around the county, lucky enough to have their writing selected for publication.
She is photographed receiving her award from Mr. Pauric Duffy, General Secretary of the G.A.A .and with Darren Hughes, Monaghan Co. footballer and guest of honour.
Because of the outstanding success achieved by the Senior, Minor and Ladies football teams in 2013, the Monaghan G.A.A. Year Book will undoubtedly be a best-seller in the county this Christmas.
Halloween Feet First Fancy Dress
Third and Fourth Classes dressed up for Halloween again this year. As part of the Green Schools Programme on Travel, they walked to school in their costumes, starting at the Oakland Centre in the village. On arrival at the school, they enjoyed a seasonal selection of treats, prepared by St. Mary’s Parents Association. At the October Assembly, later that day, they performed two songs “ Dark Disco” and “Bubble Away”.
First Term Sports
Third and Fourth Classes have really enjoyed participating in the Games Strand of the P.E. Curriculum this term.
During September and October, Martin Corey, Clontibret, was their G.A.A. coach. His skill, expertise and child-friendly approaches ensured all pupils looked forward in eager anticipation to each week’s lesson.
Basketball training began on Tuesday 5th November and will continue for 6 weeks with pupils receiving expert tuition from Enda O’Brien, Emyvale. He puts them through their paces emphasising skill and agility in a most enjoyable way.
Gymnastics is also up and running every Friday afternoon in the General Purposes Room and will continue until mid-Dec.
During September and October, Martin Corey, Clontibret, was their G.A.A. coach. His skill, expertise and child-friendly approaches ensured all pupils looked forward in eager anticipation to each week’s lesson.
Basketball training began on Tuesday 5th November and will continue for 6 weeks with pupils receiving expert tuition from Enda O’Brien, Emyvale. He puts them through their paces emphasising skill and agility in a most enjoyable way.
Gymnastics is also up and running every Friday afternoon in the General Purposes Room and will continue until mid-Dec.
GAA Blitz in Cloghan
On Wednesday 23rd October, eleven pupils were selected to attend the Primary Schools Football Go Games Blitz at the County Training Grounds
in Cloghan.
These lucky pupils were: Lucy Duffy, Bríd McNally, Molly McDonald, Matthew Curley, Caolán McKenna, Pauric McQuaid and Jaden Traynor (Fourth Class), Maébh McNally, Áine McQuaid, Kayla Molloy and Leah Treanor (Third Class).
The blitz was excellently organised. Pupils were oblivious to the cold wind
blowing as Glaslough played five games in quick succession against Clones,
Ballynagearn, Corduff, Corracrin and Carrickmacross. Because it was a fun event with the emphasis on skill development, scores were not kept but Glaslough did enjoy a few victories!
in Cloghan.
These lucky pupils were: Lucy Duffy, Bríd McNally, Molly McDonald, Matthew Curley, Caolán McKenna, Pauric McQuaid and Jaden Traynor (Fourth Class), Maébh McNally, Áine McQuaid, Kayla Molloy and Leah Treanor (Third Class).
The blitz was excellently organised. Pupils were oblivious to the cold wind
blowing as Glaslough played five games in quick succession against Clones,
Ballynagearn, Corduff, Corracrin and Carrickmacross. Because it was a fun event with the emphasis on skill development, scores were not kept but Glaslough did enjoy a few victories!
Tour of Monaghan Town
Third and Fourth Classes went on tour to Monaghan on Friday 18th October.
The purpose of this trip was three-fold.
1.) To engage in a walking tour of the town and explore its built heritage.
The purpose of this trip was three-fold.
1.) To engage in a walking tour of the town and explore its built heritage.
2.) To visit the “Castle Leslie Between Two Worlds Exhibition” at the County Museum and see at first hand the Leslie Family portraits, photographs and memorabilia and heirlooms.
3.) To view the Ground Zero 360 visual display at the Market House.
Glaslough Tourism Project
Third and Fourth pupils were very fortunate to have Miss Rachel Williamson,
a third year Trinity student, on Teaching Practice from 4th – 22nd November.
During this time, they undertook an exciting project on Tourism in Glaslough. The pupils were divided into four groups and each studied one of the following topics:
1. The Station House
2. Glaslough Village
3. Drumbanagher
4. Wildlife in Glaslough
Among the methodologies they enjoyed were:
- A fieldtrip to places of interest in the village on Tuesday 12th November to examine the following:
Famine Wall, Biodiversity Garden, Station House, Drumbanagher Fort,
Gate Lodge, Leslie Monument and Wall Plaques.
- Using Skype to contact a school in Raphoe and share information about Bishop John Leslie who became Bishop of Clogher Diocese and the first Leslie family member in Glaslough.
- Designing a clay tile depicting an aspect of life in Glaslough.
a third year Trinity student, on Teaching Practice from 4th – 22nd November.
During this time, they undertook an exciting project on Tourism in Glaslough. The pupils were divided into four groups and each studied one of the following topics:
1. The Station House
2. Glaslough Village
3. Drumbanagher
4. Wildlife in Glaslough
Among the methodologies they enjoyed were:
- A fieldtrip to places of interest in the village on Tuesday 12th November to examine the following:
Famine Wall, Biodiversity Garden, Station House, Drumbanagher Fort,
Gate Lodge, Leslie Monument and Wall Plaques.
- Using Skype to contact a school in Raphoe and share information about Bishop John Leslie who became Bishop of Clogher Diocese and the first Leslie family member in Glaslough.
- Designing a clay tile depicting an aspect of life in Glaslough.
As part of the Green Schools programme on Biodiversity, Third & Fourth Classes studied a variety of animal habitats including:
(1) Fields and hedges (2) Pond life (3) Bogs
(4) The Seashore (5) The Desert and (6) The Tundra
They worked in groups to select suitable images and text and then presented their finished work to the class.
(1) Fields and hedges (2) Pond life (3) Bogs
(4) The Seashore (5) The Desert and (6) The Tundra
They worked in groups to select suitable images and text and then presented their finished work to the class.
Click on the image below to enlarge.
Pupils proudly display their colourful artwork which will be entered in the Credit Union Art Competition 2013. This year’s theme is Gotta Lotta Colour and the closing date is the 8th of November.
In September, pupils were inspired by nature and used twigs, leaves, seeds and grasses to create art celebrating the beauty of autumn. These pictures were used to decorate St. Mary’s Church, Glennan for the Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service which was held on 27th September.
Visual Arts was also used by pupils to respond to the much loved legend The Salmon of Knowledge. They enjoyed choosing materials to create this most famous fish – an bradán feasa is fearr!
In September, pupils were inspired by nature and used twigs, leaves, seeds and grasses to create art celebrating the beauty of autumn. These pictures were used to decorate St. Mary’s Church, Glennan for the Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service which was held on 27th September.
Visual Arts was also used by pupils to respond to the much loved legend The Salmon of Knowledge. They enjoyed choosing materials to create this most famous fish – an bradán feasa is fearr!
Click on the image below to enlarge.
Construction using Papier-mâché
- Balloons
- Newspaper
- Wallpaper paste
- White paint
- Coloured paints
- Wool
- Scraps of fabric
- Buttons
- Cardboard
- Egg boxes
- Other recycled materials
1. Inflate balloon and tie securely.
2. Mix wallpaper paste with cold water and stir well to remove lumps.
3. Cut newspaper into long strips.
4. Cover balloon with paste.
5. Add strips of newspaper until the whole balloon is covered.
6. Add another thick layer of paste.
7. Cover completely with newspaper strips again.
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 a few more times.
9. Flatten newspaper well and finish with a final thin layer of paste.
10. Leave to dry for at least a week.
11. When dry cover balloon with a few layers of white paint.
12. Decorate as desired. Suggestions:
- Alien
- Film character
- Fairy-tale character
- Lego man
- Hot air balloon
- Pirate
- Animal
- Potato man
Molly Mc Donald (Third Class)
Write-a-Book Project 2013
Third Class Books
Jaden Traynor Glaslough Villa
Matthew Curley The Robbery
Pauric McQuaid Iron Fist
Caolán McKenna The Captured Pheasant
Molly McDonald The Magic Cave
Lucy Duffy The Hat-Trick
Bríd McNally A.S.A.P.
Fourth Class Books
Ben Duffy Evacuate the City
Darcy Colleran Unchartered
Chanon Khaongam Past, Present & Future
Matthew Duffy Herby's Adventure
Courtney Molloy The Liffey Lad
Eva Molloy Call 999
Jaden Traynor Glaslough Villa
Matthew Curley The Robbery
Pauric McQuaid Iron Fist
Caolán McKenna The Captured Pheasant
Molly McDonald The Magic Cave
Lucy Duffy The Hat-Trick
Bríd McNally A.S.A.P.
Fourth Class Books
Ben Duffy Evacuate the City
Darcy Colleran Unchartered
Chanon Khaongam Past, Present & Future
Matthew Duffy Herby's Adventure
Courtney Molloy The Liffey Lad
Eva Molloy Call 999
Third and Fourth Classes were busy this February practising and perfecting their penmanship styles in preparation for the EBS/INTO Handwriting Competition. This year's theme was PLAYTIME. The pupils wrote 150 words on foolscap paper. Their entries were posted on 20/02/'13.
Fingers crossed for a winning scribe!
Fingers crossed for a winning scribe!
Class Novel - January 2013.
Third and Fourth Classes studied the novel 'Walter Speazlebud' during the month of January. Walter, the main character is a whizz kid at spelling backwards. He also has the power of Noitanigami (imagination backwards!).
The pupils really enjoyed discovering how Walter used his unusual powers to cope with his loathsome teacher Mr Strong and the classroom bully, Danny Biggles.
The pupils really enjoyed discovering how Walter used his unusual powers to cope with his loathsome teacher Mr Strong and the classroom bully, Danny Biggles.
Write - a Book Project - February 2013.
In February, Third and Fourth will take part in the Write - a Book Competition organised by Monaghan Education Centre. Hopefully they will be inspired to use their own imagination and creativity to compose wonderful narratives.
St Brigid's Crosses.
Third and Fourth Classes made St. Brigid's Crosses on Wednesday 30th of January. They also learned about the life and extraordinary kindness and generosity of the saint.
A special prayer service was held at the Monthly School Assembly on Friday. February 1st in conjunction with Catholic Schools Week (28th January - 1st February).
Tin whistle
Third and Fourth Classes began tin whistle lessons in November 2012 as part of their music programme in school. They really enjoyed practising a selection of Christmas hymns and carols. Their next challenge is to learn some slow airs and lively dance tunes.
Glaslough Wildlife Trail.
Pupils from Third & Fourth Classes enjoyed studying S.E.S.E. (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education) outdoors on Friday the 7thof September as they followed the new Wildlife Trail in Glaslough. They stopped at the following signs and working in pairs completed activity sheets:
· Famine Walls & Hedgerows
· Biodiversity Garden
· Willow Structure
· Butterfly Garden
· Glaslough Lake
· Famine Walls & Hedgerows
· Biodiversity Garden
· Willow Structure
· Butterfly Garden
· Glaslough Lake
Pupils proudly standing behind begonias which were grown in the new Community Garden located at St. Mary’s School.
This is the first of ten signs on the new Wildlife Trail. It provides very interesting information on the Famine Wall and Hedges. It is barcoded, thus enabling locals / visitors / tourists to access even more information about these habitats through their mobile phones
Castle Leslie Forest Park
Third, Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Classes assembled at the entrance to the Forest Park.
Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Classes went on a Scavenger Hunt to Castle Leslie Forest Park on Friday 5th Oct. This walk was organised by Mr. Macklin, Mrs. Dowling and Mrs. Williamson.
They wanted to give their pupils an opportunity to:
1) participate in National Trails Week and
2) celebrate National Tree Day in October.
Before leaving the school, the pupils were divided into groups and given clipboards, activity sheets and plastic pockets. They were also told to put on their jackets and high visibility vests. They set off at 9.45am, walking to the estate entrance on the Middletown Road.
They wanted to give their pupils an opportunity to:
1) participate in National Trails Week and
2) celebrate National Tree Day in October.
Before leaving the school, the pupils were divided into groups and given clipboards, activity sheets and plastic pockets. They were also told to put on their jackets and high visibility vests. They set off at 9.45am, walking to the estate entrance on the Middletown Road.
Pupils discover a number of badger setts and badger fur at the entrances.
These nocturnal creatures were fast asleep during our visit.
These nocturnal creatures were fast asleep during our visit.
Pupils and teachers admire a magnificent holm oak tree with its broad dense crown and shiny , evergreen leaves.
Pupils were intrigued by the skeletal remains of a forest creature
The Forest Walk
In the forest, we saw lots of colourful autumn leaves, trees, pine cones and needles. Then Mr. Macklin told everyone that all teams needed a team name. Matthew Curley and I came up with the name “Nature Explorers”. We had a sheet of paper and a plastic bag. Straight away we started our Scavenger Hunt. We saw wild berries and white mushrooms. Lucy and Bríd found the skeletal remains of a fox. Finally it was lunch time. I had a ham sandwich and a biscuit. Then it was time to go. We had to walk through the deep muddy puddles. On the way back we had to answer some quiz questions.
Matthew Duffy ( 4th Class)
Castle Leslie Forest Walk
In the forest, we listened to all the beautiful sounds like the birds singing and chirping and the leaves rustling in the cool Autumn breeze. We walked along the forest trails trying to avoid the mud and puddles from the past few days’ heavy rain. We identified many unusual trees such as the holm oak and the giant redwood. My favourite tree was the sycamore that a little red squirrel was sitting on. We admired all the amazing, colourful Autumn leaves that crunched under our feet as we walked along, even making a little frog jump to safety.
Jaden Traynor (3rd Class)
The Forest Walk
At the Park entrance, we saw an old gate lodge and a giant redwood tree. We felt its soft, spongy bark. As we walked up the long avenue, we noticed lots of colourful leaves, pine cones and needles and the different barks on the tree trunks. Mr Macklin stopped at an unusual tree and Mrs. Dowling identified it as the holm oak from a book about trees. Further into the forest, we came across the skeletal remains of a fox. It was the creepiest thing I had ever seen in a forest. I decided to continue on with the walk. There was a nice quiet stream flowing close to the path. After all that walking, we desired a break so we stopped and had some food. All the fresh air had given us hearty appetites. Soon afterwards, we went home and that was the end of our adventure.
Bríd McNally (3rd Class)
Homeward bound